July 30, 2020
Heather and Jason’s Tarrant County Courthouse elopement took place on their 18 year dating anniversary on their lunch break from work. This was the first time it was just me and the couple working together!
I was struck at how even though it was just a casual, laid back wedding, it was still very emotional and we all ended up getting a little teary eyed. It’s when the weight of committing yourself fully to someone, forever, hits you.
It’s choosing your partner, over and over, every day, for the rest of your life.
Jason is apparently almost never without a baseball cap on his head. So we made a pit stop at a local Texas Rangers store in the middle of taking photos to buy one. Nothing like a wedding day baseball hat!
I don’t believe in soulmates. I believe love is a choice.
Here’s to celebrating love and tiny courthouse weddings with lovely human beings. While this wedding took place back in 2018, in 2020 I am looking forward to photographing quite a few more tiny weddings. Are you planing on eloping this year? Reach out today. I’d love to talk about how to preserve your memories.